Posted by Sale Lilly on July 12, 2009|Comments


Pizza Downtown: Tomato, mozzarella, basil, cooked prosciutto, parmesan cheese


€ 6.00


‘Downtown’ pizzeria has interesting décor. That’s about all I can say for the pizzeria since the pizza here does leave much to comment on. A portrait of a mermaid, which has more than a striking resemblance to Angelina Jolie adorns the wall in the front entrance and a massive golden rod, one end a trident-the other a pizza ‘pala’ or shovel sits above the bar in the interior dining room. Whether you find this stylish or tacky you would be surprised to find poor crust in Naples. Neapolitan pizzas collectively possess some of the softest and warmest crusts around, but this pizza had neither. The prosciutto, arugula, and parmesan were all passable, but lacked the usual freshness that a pizza with so much green and tomatoes normally has. The pizza was just stale. On a scale of one to ten I give the toppings a 3.5 and the crust a 2.5

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